ImPACT Testing Dates for 2020-2021 School Year

The following QV student-athletes who play sports requiring ImPACT testing will need a new or updated baseline ImPACT test for the 2020-21 school year:

  • Incoming 7th graders
  • 1st year at QV 8th graders
  • Incoming 9th graders
  • Incoming 11th graders
  • Any transfer student who is entering their first year at QV (even if you were tested in the past two years)
  • Any student who transferred into QVHS as a sophomore

If you are unsure if you need to take the test please email QV Athletic Trainer Derek Clark ([email protected]) and he will let you know if you are due for a test.

Due to the unprecedented times we are currently in we are unable to host testing sessions. To keep the number of items on your 2020-2021 preseason checklist as limited as possible, the QV Athletic Department is going to allow a one-time at-home baseline testing option. The at-home testing will be open from 8:00 a.m. Monday, May 25 through 11:00 p.m. Friday, June 5. To take the test at home you will need a computer with a mouse or trackpad. (Unfortunately, iPads do not work due to the need for a keyboard and mouse/ trackpad). If you are unable to take the test at home due to not having a computer, we will be doing testing at school once the schools are back open.

For Middle School Student-Athletes:

Please make sure you are in a quiet environment and you do not have any distractions. Please turn off your phones. Go to the following website:

Enter the following customer code: YTZ7VKNPMY

Complete the test and at the end enter either your email address or a parent's email address. You do not need to print the confirmation.

For High School Student-Athletes:

Please make sure you are in a quiet environment and that you do not have any distractions. Please turn off your phones. Go to the following website:

Enter the following customer code: 0901132902

Complete the test and at the end enter either your email address or a parent's email address. You do not need to print the confirmation.
