Quaker Valley School Board Updates Health and Safety Plan

At a special School Board meeting on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, the Quaker Valley School Board approved changes to the Health and Safety Plan for the 2021-2022 school year. This plan is a requirement of the Pennsylvania Department of Education and outlines what the school year will look like for students, faculty, and staff.

The Board approved the plan 6-2, with one Board member absent. The changes take effect August 18, 2021. 

“Our steadfast goal has always been and will remain to bring students back to school, in an in-person, learning environment. I am proud of the work our students, faculty, staff, and families did last year to make it such a successful school year, given the constraints. We are optimistic this year will resemble a much more normal school year,” says Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Tammy A. Andreyko.

The Health and Safety Plan features continued mitigation strategies such as physical distancing, hand washing, and respiratory etiquette.

“Our plan includes layered mitigation strategies, which can be flexibly applied to adapt to everchanging pandemic conditions,” adds Dr. Andrew Surloff, Assistant Superintendent and Pandemic Coordinator. 

“We continue to follow guidance from health experts, including the Allegheny County Health Department. Our goal is to have a successful, healthy, in-person school year, and we feel we have the right Health and Safety Plan to get that done,” says School Board President Mr. Jonathan Kuzma.

Click here to read the official Health and Safety plan submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.


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