On Monday, May 15, four QVMS students presented their 8th grade science experimental design projects to the judges at the state Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science competition at the Penn State University main campus.
Students are placed in small presentation groups by topic category and compete against the criteria of a good experiment and presentation rather than competing against each other. It was a wonderful day of science!
All students who earned a first-place award at the regional competition were invited to present their project at the PJAS state competition.
QVMS students who participated at the PJAS state competition were:
Will Meagher: Impact of Temperature on Solar Energy Production
Katherine Steinfurth: Too Much Stress, Try Music!
Rowan Wallace: Does Color Affect Memory?
Maggie Watson: Effect of Free Throw Routine on Made Free Throw Percentage
Congratulations to Will, Rowan, and Maggie, who all won first-place awards for their experiment presentations at PJAS state competition at Penn State.