Osborne Elementary School
If you know in advance that your child will miss school, please email [email protected] and include your child's homeroom teacher on the email. Be sure to indicate the date of absence, reason for absence, and any additional pertinent information. On the day a student is absent, a ParentSquare alert will be sent home indicating that your child is not in school. If you have not yet submitted an excuse for the day, please do so through the link included in the message.
Spring gARTen Club Registration
The spring season of gARTen Club will held on Thursdays from 3:45-5:00 PM. There will be two sessions. Both session sign-ups will have a 15 student cap (grades 1-5) and will last for three weeks. This schedule will allow more one-on-one attention and hands on opportunities for all students:
Session #1: March 27, April 3, and April 10
Session #2: April 17, April 24, May 1
Both sessions will feature the same activities giving each group of students the same opportunities. We kindly ask that you sign up for only one session. Due to the limited slots, we would prefer that your child be available to attend all three weeks so that open spots are being used respectfully. Also, please note, we respectfully request that there will be no early pick up for students attending the sessions. You can also check out the flyer linked below for more information. view flyer | register
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026 Now Open
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! To complete the registration forms, please follow all instructions on our District Registration page. Kindergarten registration is best completed on a laptop or desktop computer. By completing the Registration form, we will have your contact information for future kindergarten notifications.
PSSA Dates 2025
- English/Language Arts PSSA (Grades 3-5): April 22, 23, and 25
No testing on the 24th for Take Your Child to Work Day - Math PSSA (Grades 3-5): April 28 and 29
- Science PSSA (Grade 5 ONLY): April 30 and May 1
The Science PSSA has moved from Grade 4 to Grade 5 starting this year
6th Grade and Elementary Track and Field - Spring 2025
This Spring, Ryan Kelly, Quaker Valley Middle School Track and Field Coach is again offering a track and field opportunity for Quaker Valley Middle School students in 6th grade and Quaker Valley elementary students in grades 3-5. This opportunity is to provide students exposure to all that track and field offers and provide them with time to be instructed in the events of sprinting, distance running, hurdling, jumping, and throwing in a practice setting. This opportunity will occur on the track at Quaker Valley Middle School (GPS Address: 618 Harbaugh Street, Sewickley, PA 15143) from 8-10 AM on Saturday, March 29, 2025, Saturday, April 5, 2025, and Saturday, April 12, 2025. All relevant information for this track and field opportunity is included in the document below. If your student-athlete is interested in participating in this track and field opportunity, please reach out to Ryan Kelly via email and thank you for your interest. registration info
ParentSquare Communication Platform
Quaker Valley School District now uses ParentSquare for school communication. Parents/guardians, staff members, middle and high school students, and others will receive important updates and notices via text and email notifications. We encourage parents/guardians to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app, which is available for download both in the App Store and on Google Play.
Learn more about ParentSquare and how to use it here.
Quaker Valley School District now uses ParentSquare for school communication. Parents/guardians, staff members, middle and high school students, and others will receive important updates and notices via text and email notifications. We encourage parents/guardians to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app, which is available for download both in the App Store and on Google Play.
Learn more about ParentSquare and how to use it here.
Order Your 2024-25 Osborne Yearbook
You can order your 2024-25 Osborne Yearbook. View the flyer below for details. view flyer
Osborne Elementary
1414 Beaver Road
Sewickley, PA 15143 map
Phone: 412-749-4000
Fax: 412-741-7369
Fax: 412-741-7369
Grades: K-5
School Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:40 PM
Benny Canan
@OsElementaryQV (Instagram)
Administrative Assistant
Karen Schurman
Tori Goettman
Leah Lindenfelser
Rebecca Benedict